bite.parsers module

class bite.parsers.ParseError[source]

Bases: Exception

Base class for errors resulting from input that fails to parse.

class bite.parsers.TrailingBytesError[source]

Bases: ParseError

Error raised when the whole input is expected to be consumed by a parser, but trailing bytes where found.

class bite.parsers.UnmetExpectationError(expected: Parser, at_loc: int, buf: ParserBuffer)[source]

Bases: ParseError

Error raised when the input does not match the syntax expected by a parser.

class bite.parsers.And(parsers: Iterable[Parser], *, name: str | None = None)[source]

Apply multiple parsers in sequence.

Each parser must be able to parse the input when applied in sequence.

  • parsers – Parser to apply in sequence.

  • name – Name to assign to the resulting parse tree node.


import asyncio
from bite import And, Literal, parse_bytes

print([Literal(b'a'), Literal(b'b')]), b'ab')).values)
(b'a', b'b')
async parse(buf: ParserBuffer, loc: int = 0) ParsedList[Any, Any][source]

Try to parse the provided input.

Starts parsing from the given location and does not need to consume all provided input.

  • buf – Buffer providing access to the input.

  • loc – Index into the buffer from where to start parsing.


If parsing is successful, a parse tree representing the parse result is returned.

  • UnmetExpectationError – If parsing was unsuccessful, because the input does not match what is expected from this parser.

  • # noqa – DAR202:

class bite.parsers.CaselessLiteral(literal: bytes, *, name: str | None = None)[source]

Parses a case-insensitive sequence of bytes.

The literal passed to the CaselessLiteral constructor will be treated as the canconical form, i.e. the value returned from the parse tree node.

  • literal – The canonical form of the bytes to match.

  • name – Name to assign to the resulting parse tree node.


import asyncio
from bite import CaselessLiteral, parse_bytes

print('abc'), b'AbC')).values)
async parse(buf: ParserBuffer, loc: int = 0) ParsedLeaf[bytes][source]

Try to parse the provided input.

Starts parsing from the given location and does not need to consume all provided input.

  • buf – Buffer providing access to the input.

  • loc – Index into the buffer from where to start parsing.


If parsing is successful, a parse tree representing the parse result is returned.

  • UnmetExpectationError – If parsing was unsuccessful, because the input does not match what is expected from this parser.

  • # noqa – DAR202:

class bite.parsers.CharacterSet(charset: Iterable[int], *, invert: bool = False, name: str | None = None)[source]

Parses a single byte from a given set.


Besides listing each byte in the set explicitly (e.g. b'abc'), you can define a range using something like bytes(range(0x7F, 0x9F + 1)). It is also possible to combine both forms: b'abc' + bytes(range(0x7F, 0x9F + 1)).

  • charset – The set of bytes parsed by this parser.

  • invert – Set to true to match all bytes not given by the charset.

  • name – Name to assign to the resulting parse tree node.


import asyncio
from bite import CharacterSet, parse_bytes

print('abc'), b'b')).values)
async parse(buf: ParserBuffer, loc: int = 0) ParsedLeaf[bytes][source]

Try to parse the provided input.

Starts parsing from the given location and does not need to consume all provided input.

  • buf – Buffer providing access to the input.

  • loc – Index into the buffer from where to start parsing.


If parsing is successful, a parse tree representing the parse result is returned.

  • UnmetExpectationError – If parsing was unsuccessful, because the input does not match what is expected from this parser.

  • # noqa – DAR202:

class bite.parsers.Combine(parser: Parser[Any, bytes], *, name: str | None = None)[source]

Combine parse tree leaves into a single node.

This parser is helpful to obtain a single byte string when using multiple parsers producing individual segments of this byte string.

  • parser – Parser to obtain the individual segments to combine.

  • name – Name to assign to the resulting parse tree node.


import asyncio
from bite import CharacterSet, Combine, parse_bytes

digits = CharacterSet(b'0123456789')[1, ...]
integer = Combine(digits)

print(, b'12345')).values)
print(, b'12345')).values)
(b'1', b'2', b'3', b'4', b'5')
async parse(buf: ParserBuffer, loc: int = 0) ParsedLeaf[bytes][source]

Try to parse the provided input.

Starts parsing from the given location and does not need to consume all provided input.

  • buf – Buffer providing access to the input.

  • loc – Index into the buffer from where to start parsing.


If parsing is successful, a parse tree representing the parse result is returned.

  • UnmetExpectationError – If parsing was unsuccessful, because the input does not match what is expected from this parser.

  • # noqa – DAR202:

class bite.parsers.Counted(count_parser: Parser[Any, int], counted_parser_factory: Callable[[int], Parser[Any, V]], *, name: str | None = None)[source]

Read a count and create a parser from it.

  • count_parser – Parser to read the count. The resulting parse tree must return a single value that can be converted to an int.

  • counted_parser_factory – Callable that gets passed the count and returns a parser that is used to parse the subsequent bytes.

  • name – Name to assign to the resulting parse tree node.


import asyncio
from bite import CharacterSet, Counted, FixedByteCount, parse_bytes

        lambda count: FixedByteCount(count)
async parse(buf: ParserBuffer, loc: int = 0) ParsedCounted[V][source]

Try to parse the provided input.

Starts parsing from the given location and does not need to consume all provided input.

  • buf – Buffer providing access to the input.

  • loc – Index into the buffer from where to start parsing.


If parsing is successful, a parse tree representing the parse result is returned.

  • UnmetExpectationError – If parsing was unsuccessful, because the input does not match what is expected from this parser.

  • # noqa – DAR202:

class bite.parsers.CountedParseTree(count_expr: ParsedNode[Any, int], counted_expr: ParsedNode)[source]

Parse tree children created by the Counted parser.

count_expr: ParsedNode[Any, int][source]

Parse tree of the count expression.

counted_expr: ParsedNode[source]

Parse tree of the expressions counted by the count expression.

property end_loc: int[source]

End index (exclusive) into the input buffer of the segmend parsed by the node.

property start_loc: int[source]

Start index into the input buffer of the segmend parsed by the node.

class bite.parsers.FixedByteCount(count: int, *, name: str | None = None)[source]

Parses a fixed number of bytes.

  • count – How many bytes to read.

  • name – Name to assign to the resulting parse tree node.


import asyncio
from bite import FixedByteCount, parse_bytes

print(, b'01234567890')).values)
async parse(buf: ParserBuffer, loc: int = 0) ParsedLeaf[bytes][source]

Try to parse the provided input.

Starts parsing from the given location and does not need to consume all provided input.

  • buf – Buffer providing access to the input.

  • loc – Index into the buffer from where to start parsing.


If parsing is successful, a parse tree representing the parse result is returned.

  • UnmetExpectationError – If parsing was unsuccessful, because the input does not match what is expected from this parser.

  • # noqa – DAR202:

class bite.parsers.Forward(*, name: str | None = None)[source]

Forward declaration allowing the definition of recursive rules.

Use the assign() method to set the actual parser definition.


Rules must not be left-recursive. Otherwise, the parser will recursively call itself causing a stack overflow.


name – Name to assign to the resulting parse tree node.


import asyncio
from bite import Forward, Literal, Opt, parse_bytes

expr = Forward()
expr.assign(Literal(b'[') + Opt(expr) + Literal(b']'))

print(, b'[[]]')).values)
(b'[', b'[', b']', b']')
assign(parser: Parser[T, V])[source]

Assign a concrete parser to the forward declaration.

async parse(buf: ParserBuffer, loc: int = 0) ParsedNode[T, V][source]

Try to parse the provided input.

Starts parsing from the given location and does not need to consume all provided input.

  • buf – Buffer providing access to the input.

  • loc – Index into the buffer from where to start parsing.


If parsing is successful, a parse tree representing the parse result is returned.

  • UnmetExpectationError – If parsing was unsuccessful, because the input does not match what is expected from this parser.

  • # noqa – DAR202:

parser: Parser[T, V] | None[source]
class bite.parsers.Literal(literal: bytes, *, name: str | None = None)[source]

Parses an exact sequence of bytes.

  • literal – The bytes to match.

  • name – Name to assign to the resulting parse tree node.


import asyncio
from bite import Literal, parse_bytes

print('abc'), b'abc')).values)
async parse(buf: ParserBuffer, loc: int = 0) ParsedLeaf[bytes][source]

Try to parse the provided input.

Starts parsing from the given location and does not need to consume all provided input.

  • buf – Buffer providing access to the input.

  • loc – Index into the buffer from where to start parsing.


If parsing is successful, a parse tree representing the parse result is returned.

  • UnmetExpectationError – If parsing was unsuccessful, because the input does not match what is expected from this parser.

  • # noqa – DAR202:

class bite.parsers.MatchFirst(choices: Iterable[Parser], *, name: str | None = None)[source]

Apply the first parser that succeeds parsing the input.

  • choices – Parsers to try in the given order until one succeeds parsing the input.

  • name – Name to assign to the resulting parse tree node.


import asyncio
from bite import Literal, MatchFirst, parse_bytes

    MatchFirst([Literal(b'a'), Literal(b'b'), Literal(b'bb')]),
async parse(buf: ParserBuffer, loc: int = 0) ParsedMatchFirst[source]

Try to parse the provided input.

Starts parsing from the given location and does not need to consume all provided input.

  • buf – Buffer providing access to the input.

  • loc – Index into the buffer from where to start parsing.


If parsing is successful, a parse tree representing the parse result is returned.

  • UnmetExpectationError – If parsing was unsuccessful, because the input does not match what is expected from this parser.

  • # noqa – DAR202:

class bite.parsers.Not(parser: Parser[Any, Any], *, name: str | None = None)[source]

Negative look-ahead.

This parser does not consume any input bytes, but will only succeed parsing if the following input bytes are not parsed by the given parser.

  • parser – Parser that is supposed to not match the input.

  • name – Name to assign to the resulting parse tree node.


import asyncio
from bite import FixedByteCount, Literal, Not, parse_bytes

expr = Not(Literal(b'a')) + FixedByteCount(1)

print(, b'b')).values)
(b'b',), b'a'))
Traceback (most recent call last):
bite.parsers.UnmetExpectationError: expected Not(b'a') at position 0
async parse(buf: ParserBuffer, loc: int = 0) ParsedNil[source]

Try to parse the provided input.

Starts parsing from the given location and does not need to consume all provided input.

  • buf – Buffer providing access to the input.

  • loc – Index into the buffer from where to start parsing.


If parsing is successful, a parse tree representing the parse result is returned.

  • UnmetExpectationError – If parsing was unsuccessful, because the input does not match what is expected from this parser.

  • # noqa – DAR202:

class bite.parsers.OneOrMore(parser: Parser[T, V], *, name: str | None = None)[source]

Require a parser to apply one or more times.

This is parser is equivalent to the Repeat parser with min_repeats=1.

  • parser – Parser for a single application.

  • name – Name to assign to the resulting parse tree node.


import asyncio
from bite import Literal, OneOrMore, parse_bytes'a')), b''))
Traceback (most recent call last):
bite.parsers.UnmetExpectationError: expected b'a' at position 0
print('a')), b'a')).values)
print('a')), b'aaa')).values)
(b'a', b'a', b'a')
async parse(buf: ParserBuffer, loc: int = 0) ParsedList[source]

Try to parse the provided input.

Starts parsing from the given location and does not need to consume all provided input.

  • buf – Buffer providing access to the input.

  • loc – Index into the buffer from where to start parsing.


If parsing is successful, a parse tree representing the parse result is returned.

  • UnmetExpectationError – If parsing was unsuccessful, because the input does not match what is expected from this parser.

  • # noqa – DAR202:

class bite.parsers.Opt(parser: Parser[T, V], *, name: str | None = None)[source]

Make a parser optional.

This is parser is equivalent to the Repeat parser with min_repeats=0 and max_repeats=1.

  • parser – Parser to apply optionally.

  • name – Name to assign to the resulting parse tree node.


import asyncio
from bite import Literal, Opt, parse_bytes

print('a')), b'')).values)
print('a')), b'a')).values)
async parse(buf: ParserBuffer, loc: int = 0) ParsedList[source]

Try to parse the provided input.

Starts parsing from the given location and does not need to consume all provided input.

  • buf – Buffer providing access to the input.

  • loc – Index into the buffer from where to start parsing.


If parsing is successful, a parse tree representing the parse result is returned.

  • UnmetExpectationError – If parsing was unsuccessful, because the input does not match what is expected from this parser.

  • # noqa – DAR202:

class bite.parsers.ParsedBaseNode(name: str | None, parse_tree: T)[source]

Implementation of common fields to all parse tree nodes.

name: str | None[source]

Name of the node.

parse_tree: T[source]

Children of the node.

class bite.parsers.ParsedCounted(name: str | None, parse_tree: bite.parsers.CountedParseTree)[source]
property end_loc: int[source]

End index (exclusive) into the input buffer of the segmend parsed by the node.

name: str | None[source]

Name of the node.

parse_tree: CountedParseTree[source]

Children of the node.

property start_loc: int[source]

Start index into the input buffer of the segmend parsed by the node.

property values: Iterable[V][source]

Values of the CountedParseTree.counted_expr of the parse_tree.

class bite.parsers.ParsedLeaf(name: str | None, parse_tree: T, start_loc: int, end_loc: int)[source]

A leaf node in a parse tree.

end_loc: int[source]

End index (exclusive) into the input buffer of the segmend parsed by the node.

name: str | None[source]

Name of the node.

parse_tree: T[source]

Children of the node.

start_loc: int[source]

Start index into the input buffer of the segmend parsed by the node.

property values: Tuple[T][source]

Value of the node.


A single element tuple with the parse_tree.

class bite.parsers.ParsedList(name: str | None, parse_tree: T, loc: int)[source]
property end_loc: int[source]

End index (exclusive) into the input buffer of the segmend parsed by the node. Will be equal to start_loc if the parsed list is empty.

loc: int[source]

Index into the input buffer of the location where this parsed expression starts.

name: str | None[source]

Name of the node.

parse_tree: T[source]

Children of the node.

property start_loc: int[source]

Start index into the input buffer of the segmend parsed by the node.

property values: Tuple[V, ...][source]

Values of the children of this parse tree node.

class bite.parsers.ParsedMatchFirst(name: str | None, parse_tree: T, choice_index: int)[source]
choice_index: int[source]

Index into MatchFirst.parsers of the parsed variant.

property end_loc: int[source]

End index (exclusive) into the input buffer of the segmend parsed by the node.

name: str | None[source]

Name of the node.

parse_tree: T[source]

Children of the node.

property start_loc: int[source]

Start index into the input buffer of the segmend parsed by the node.

property values: Iterable[V][source]

Values of the parsed child nodes.

class bite.parsers.ParsedNil(name: str | None, loc: int)[source]

A leaf node in a parse tree representing a zero-length segment.

Such zero-length segments can be generated by look-aheads which do not actually consume any input.

property end_loc: int[source]

End index (exclusive) into the input buffer of the segmend parsed by the node. Will always be equal to start_loc.

loc: int[source]

Index into the input buffer to where the node was generated.

name: str | None[source]

Name of the node.

property parse_tree: None[source]

Children of the node. Will always return None.

property start_loc: int[source]

Start index into the input buffer of the segmend parsed by the node.

property values: Tuple[source]

Value of the node. Will always return the empty tuple ().

class bite.parsers.ParsedNode(*args, **kwargs)[source]

A single node in a parse tree.

property end_loc: int[source]

End index (exclusive) into the input buffer of the segmend parsed by the node.

property name: str | None[source]

Name of the node.

property parse_tree: T_co[source]

Children of the node.

property start_loc: int[source]

Start index into the input buffer of the segmend parsed by the node.

property values: Iterable[V][source]

Value of the node.

By default this will be a single element tuple with a bytes object for the parse tree leaves and a flattened list of the children’s values for other nodes. However, it can be overridden to produce any other type.


alias of ParsedList


alias of ParsedList


alias of ParsedList


alias of ParsedList

class bite.parsers.Parser(name=None)[source]

Abstract base class for parsers.

Implementors must at least override the parse() method.

The following operator implementations are provided:

  • + (And): Apply parsers in sequence.

  • | (MatchFirst): Apply the first parser that succeeds parsing the input.

  • ~ (Not): Negative look-ahead.

  • [x, y] (Repeat): Apply a parser repeatedly. `` x`` must be a non-negative integer. y must be either a positive integer or the ellipsis ... to allow for unlimited repetitions.


name – Name to assign to the resulting parse tree node.

async parse(buf: ParserBuffer, loc: int = 0) ParsedNode[T, V][source]

Try to parse the provided input.

Starts parsing from the given location and does not need to consume all provided input.

  • buf – Buffer providing access to the input.

  • loc – Index into the buffer from where to start parsing.


If parsing is successful, a parse tree representing the parse result is returned.

  • UnmetExpectationError – If parsing was unsuccessful, because the input does not match what is expected from this parser.

  • # noqa – DAR202:

class bite.parsers.Repeat(parser: Parser[T, V], min_repeats: int = 0, max_repeats: int | None = None, *, name: str | None = None)[source]

Apply a parser repeatedly.

  • parser – Parser to apply repeatedly.

  • min_repeats – Minimun number of applications of the parser.

  • max_repeats – Maximum number of applications of the parser. If None, infinitly many applications are allowed.

  • name – Name to assign to the resulting parse tree node.


import asyncio
from bite import Literal, parse_bytes, Repeat

repeat = Repeat(Literal(b'a'), min_repeats=1, max_repeats=2)

print(, b'')).values)
Traceback (most recent call last):
bite.parsers.UnmetExpectationError: expected b'a' at position 0
print(, b'a')).values)
print(, b'aa')).values)
(b'a', b'a')
print(, b'aaa')).values)
(b'a', b'a')
async parse(buf: ParserBuffer, loc: int = 0) ParsedList[source]

Try to parse the provided input.

Starts parsing from the given location and does not need to consume all provided input.

  • buf – Buffer providing access to the input.

  • loc – Index into the buffer from where to start parsing.


If parsing is successful, a parse tree representing the parse result is returned.

  • UnmetExpectationError – If parsing was unsuccessful, because the input does not match what is expected from this parser.

  • # noqa – DAR202:

class bite.parsers.ZeroOrMore(parser: Parser[T, V], *, name: str | None = None)[source]

Require a parser to apply zero or more times.

This is parser is equivalent to the Repeat parser with min_repeats=0.

  • parser – Parser for a single application.

  • name – Name to assign to the resulting parse tree node.


import asyncio
from bite import Literal, parse_bytes, ZeroOrMore

print('a')), b'')).values)
print('a')), b'aaa')).values)
(b'a', b'a', b'a')
async parse(buf: ParserBuffer, loc: int = 0) ParsedList[source]

Try to parse the provided input.

Starts parsing from the given location and does not need to consume all provided input.

  • buf – Buffer providing access to the input.

  • loc – Index into the buffer from where to start parsing.


If parsing is successful, a parse tree representing the parse result is returned.

  • UnmetExpectationError – If parsing was unsuccessful, because the input does not match what is expected from this parser.

  • # noqa – DAR202: